I haven’t mentioned my online chick lit book club (in the last paragraph) in awhile; it is coming along swimmingly. I now have 53 members! I keep advertising about it regularly.
I listed Christmas chick lit books for us to read during the holidays, and I was really pumped to read them, but I didn’t read any! I think the main reason being I was just burned out from reading two books a month religiously, plus a few non-chick lit books on the side. I haven’t read this much since I was a teenager! So for the month of December, I didn’t read much.
I did find this book, Hip Tranquil Chick, subtitled: A Guide to Life On and Off the Yoga Mat, by Kimberly Wilson at a recent visit to Borders. I read that, plus some travel books and a few magazines in December, but no real chick lit books.
But now, I am back reading chick lit books since yesterday.
My book club members are really beginning to chat now, which is wonderful; they are even chatting about stuff offline too. I’m very proud and happy I have that group.
I’ve mentioned to the group that they can suggest books for all of us to read also–not just me, but they all seem to be satisfied with what books I list for us to choose to read. Gee, I feel like Oprah! lol!
I’ve changed my mind about having an offline reading group, especially since I’m making new friends in general offline with my Sex-and-the-City group. That group and my online reading group is enough for now.
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