I believe one’s sexual orientation begins at a very early age in life. I don’t believe a person is born a certain way. We develop preferences, desires, etc. emotionally, mentally, and physically at our very early stages of life.
I’m not sure when I knew I was bisexual. I do remember being turned on by women, but I really thought nothing of it. It seemed as natural as liking guys. I felt no shame, or thought I was weird.
I remember one time as a kid when I was in the backyard of my family’s house. Some of the neighbor kids were over. One girl–a few years older than me–was lying down on a lawn chair on the porch. She was wearing short-shorts and a halter top. I stared at her until she looked up at me, then I looked away. She did notice me staring at her but didn’t say anything about it. That was the earliest time I can remember having sexual desires for a woman.
Where I used to live, in Michigan, bisexuals are considered freaks. I never did admit to being bisexual there because of all the stigma about it. I didn’t want any hassles.
But when I moved, I decided to always be upfront about my sexuality. I would never want to live a double-life. I figured wherever I’d go, I would make sure the community was bi-friendly. It was in New York City, and it is where I live now, in Portland.
When I meet potential friends, it’s not like I’m going to say, ‘Hi, I’m Paige and I’m bisexual.’ Being that I only want friends who are open-minded about sex and are GLBT-friendly, soon the subject of sex would come up where I could then mention to being bisexual in a natural manner, germane to the conversation.
Jay, being a guy, loves that I’m bi. He wants to do a threesome and he figures I’d want to also because I’m bi–a stereotype many people believe; not all bisexual are interested in threesomes, although I am! 🙂 And of course, being a guy, Jay wants it to be MFF. It doesn’t matter to me; I would love to try both MFF and FMM. The thought of being double-penetrated by two guys gets me really excited, and the thought of me going down on a woman, or a woman going down on me, while I get penetrated by a guy sounds hot.
Frankly, I don’t understand being gay, lesbian or straight. We come from both male and female. It seems like we should like both genders in every way. That’s makes perfect sense to me.
Anyway, I’m glad I’m bisexual. But it seems we are the most overlooked people. There are a lot of TV shows and films about gays and lesbians, but hardly any about bisexuals. It’s the same with books.
I visited Powell’s bookstore, and they had shelves of books on gays and lesbians, but a pitiful 3/4 bookshelf on bisexuals. (I went to one of their smaller stores; I must go to their larger one to check out books on bisexuals). And the books were very dated and more like studies on bisexuality, and those “Are you bisexual?” kind of books: Bisexuality 101. It’s time to go beyond 101. There needs to be more books where it’s a given you are bi and know that you are bi, so now let’s have fun! I have found only one such book like that. I haven’t got into it yet but I will–with joy!
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